Now: New Book

July 31st, 2020

At work:

I am working on some branding for tree gifting company based in Florida. I will soon be starting to work on the branding and packaging for a wine company in France. As always, or so it seems, there are a few fonts in progress.

In life:

Kara and I have been buying a lot of furniture for our apartment, so it seems we’re spending a decent bit of time just decluttering and trying to enjoy our new space together. We’ve also been cooking more and trying new foods which has been a ton of fun.


Recently just finished Ijeoma Oluo’s So You Want to Talk About Race, and am now reading Joshua Bennett’s Being Property Once Myself.

With running:

Mostly recovering. My hamstring has been giving me problems off and on, so I’ve been keeping things easy recently. I just took two weeks off of running entirely (and substituted it with cycling), but am slowly bringing some runs back into my weekly routine. More so, I’m focusing on strength and mobility to help prevent injuries like this from popping up again.

On this website:

As always, this is being edited and updated. More specifically, I need to continue backlogging old posts from my last website.

Recent additions to the site include:

Now: The start of Now pages

Now: Rosé, Pizza, and GPS files